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International Pageant

August 1st and August 2nd


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Teens ®

Miss Teen Missouri International®

Katie Boyer - Top Ten Finalist

People's Choice Award

Katie would like to thank Mary Richardson and the International staff for allowing her the opportunity to represent Missouri and also to speak out about something that is very near and dear to her heart - bullying.
Katie is the founder of Students Against Bullying.  You can view her website at  Stop by and sign her guestbook or read the graffiti wall.  Another one of Katie's passions is Big Brother Big Sister.  She has been a big sister for 2 years now and understands the importance of being a role model to her "little".  Katie has enjoyed traveling around Missouri speaking with schools and the media about the importance of making sure bullying does not happen in their schools and what you can do to prevent bullying.
Katie is currently a high school senior and she is involved with cheerleading, women's choir, art, drama and track.  In addition to school, Katie works part-time at Hollister and is also a part-time dance Jr. Dance Coach.  She will be graduating this May and she has received a scholarship to attend college in St. Louis.  She is looking forward to the national competition this summer and meeting all the girls from around the world.